About Tiffin

We’re in the business of making people feel special. In everything we do, we have to ask ourselves if we’re putting the Guest first and making sure they’ll come back for more.

TIFFIN – A British word for a light midday meal or luncheon. It also refers to a lunch box! The British introduced the concept of high tea, and tiffin has since become synonymous with Indian life and cuisine.

TIFFIN is also referred to as Tupperware, carriers, or dabbas. A kind of lunch box widely in Asia and the Caribbean for tiffin meals. From India, they spread to Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Fiji, Mauritius, Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, where they are widely used.  In Japan, they are called bento.

Why use TIFFIN? It’s a great choice for the environment and for your health. When you use a reusable tiffin, you are not only saving on brown lunch bags, but you are also eliminating the need for plastic baggies, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and other forms of single-use food storage.

Our Story

TIFFIN was founded by A Pakistani family:

A dad who was known for his sweet tooth and numerous different dessert recipes to put a smile on everyone’s face.

A mom whose recipes in any cuisine were cherished by whoever tasted them. In fact, the fingers were licked, as were the bowls.

The oldest son/brother is known for making nutritious meals. As well as being a part of the fitness world. He implemented a menu that would make the food full of nutrients and healthy while keeping the traditional “mom’s recipes.”

The 2nd son has knowledge of the food industry and the business world. His expertise is in hotel/food management, as well as other fields. With all the knowledge applied to the recipes, they decided to open a restaurant.

The sister is known for her creative side and beautiful interior design skills. Which were applied to the restaurant as well as many different events hosted by the restaurant.

Lastly, the baby sister! Less of a baby, more glue to the family. She had all the pros of the siblings but not the cons. Her charisma and confidence would charm anybody who would walk through the door.

As noted above, they opened a South Asian restaurant. Meanwhile, catering an immersive menu to different events. Cuisines like Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Italian, Mexican, etc.

The appeal to the different services captured by the customers was the halal meat, fresh produce, and the different spices and herbs. For example, spaghetti and meatballs made with halal ground lamb and a sauce made from Indian spices.

The restaurant was a great hit and won multiple awards. After doing well for almost a decade, the world was hit by a pandemic and business slowed down.

Instead of giving up, we came up with another solution to reach out to the people with our meals. Without our customers risking the chance of harming their health. That’s when the idea of tiffin dawned upon us.

Delicious meals WHEREVER, WHENEVER, and for WHOEVER. The freedom of picking up meals for the week from a safe location or delivered straight to you. Also due to the spices and herbs used in the meals.

The meals can stay preserved and fresh for up to 4 days in the fridge with tons of flavor. Any longer, they can stay frozen in the freezer for up to 3 months, just like grandma’s famous chili.

All the produce is picked freshly by hand from numerous different vendors and farm markets. The meat is delivered or picked up the same morning as well.

Once everything is gathered, the prep work for the produce and the marination process starts for the meat. 12 – 24 hours after, the chefs take over and cook the meals in the restaurant, on the days it is closed.

Finally, the meals get delivered for an extra charge. However, there will also be pickup sites available in different areas to make the process easier and cheaper.

What makes us different from others?

We make real food by hand, fresh to order.
It’s not the fastest way – it’s the right way.


Don’t really care about the competition! Everybody is so focused on their own niche in the field. Some focus on; healthy meals, keto meals, cook-yourself meals, high-protein meals, etc. We want to focus on you, on your flexibility, and on your busy schedule. We will offer something to everyone! Do you want low carbs or just a meal to cure your hangover?  We will have any of those options just for you!

The point of tiffin is to have tasty meals by using the right spices and herbs. By spices, we don’t mean intensity. We mean ingredients added to better the taste of the meal. Those same ingredients also add additional nutrients to the meal without adding additional calories. They will also be used for deep marination to make the meat being used extra juicy and tender.

Not to mention, all the meat being used will be halal. We are going to continue with a proper definition of halal. Followed by all the spices and herbs that will be being used in each meal!


Press & Awards

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet jowl brisket burgdoggen, meatball bresaola bacon boudin tri-tip pig pork fatback pork chop prosciutto short ribs pork belly. Ham boudin rump strip steak, porchetta drumstick.


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